15th December 2024

Search Cold Higham Parish Council

Serving the people of Cold Higham, Grimscote, Fosters Booth (W) and Potcote


Parish Council Meeting in January - Date Changed

The PC meeting originally scheduled for Thursday 16 January 25 has been moved to Tuesday 14 January. Time and place remain unchanged.

Parish Council Vacancy

The formal announcement of another parish council vacancy is attached. This has arisen as a result of Cllr Jane Kimbell moving out of the area.

Parishioners are encouraged to put themselves forward for election to the council. For further information please contact the Clerk or Chairman - details are on the web site.

Parish Council Vacancy

Footpaths within the Parish

There is now a map and description of all the footpaths and bridleways within the Parish area. Please go to Community/Local Walks.

Poor’s Allotment Charity - Cold Higham/Grimscote

Each year the Trustees of the above charity are able to 'apply the income of the Charity in relieving either generally or individually persons resident in the Parish of Cold Higham who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress, by making grants of money or providing or paying for items, services or facilities calculated to reduce the need, hardship or distress of such persons'.

In practice this means that funds may be available for:

1. Households with at least one householder being aged 65 or over may be granted an amount to help with heating bills. Once a grant has been given it will be given annually without the need to make a new application.

2. Students in higher education needing to purchase books or tools or to pay for travelling expenses. A grant may be applied for each year whilst in higher education.

3. Any other person in need or distress at any time of the year

Because of the difficulties experienced by the Trustees in identifying eligible people, those wishing to claim a grant should apply in writing to Mrs Nita Pearson (who is a Trustee of the Charity) by email or post, as follows:

Mrs Nita Pearson
Home Farm
2 Penthorne Close
Northants NN12 8LL

Email - nita.pearson@icloud.com

Applications need to be received by 5th November 2024. The Trustees will pay all grants online so applications should include the name of the applicant's bank account, the sort code and account number. Members of the community 'in need or distress' can apply to the Charity at any time.

Wasp Problem number on News flyer corrected.

The correct number to call is 0300 126 7000

A5 Safety Meeting - Update

From Pattishall PC:

Text Box: To all Pattishall Parish and Cold Higham Parish residents A5 Safety Concerns interim update 23rd August 24 Following the talk from National Highways on July 11th, please find an interim update below. Firstly, the 50 mph warning signs travelling northbound are faded due to the strength of the sun and are to be replaced.Secondly, the Northants Safer Roads team has carried a traffic survey north and southbound either side of the crossroads to establish volumes of traffic, speeds etc. They are also still to survey the traffic travelling southbound as it comes into Fosters Booth from the three-lane section of the A5. National highways too are in the process of organising a speed survey within the 50mph section of the A5 at Fosters Booth. This should be undertaken towards the end of September/ early October. They wouldn't normally undertake speed readings in August/ early September as the school holidays impact on traffic flows and speeds. This means we will have both sets of data to compare. Once we have the results of those surveys, they will be shared with the Parish and an assessment of the potential to reduce the current speed limit. The potential for extension of the speed limit, countdown type warning signs, VAS (Vehicle Activated Signs) and speed cameras will all also be assessed once we have the speed survey data.In addition, National Highways will also be undertaking observations of traffic manoeuvres on the two lanes coming up the hill into Fosters Booth, to see how this is operating and to see if there is a case for changing the current arrangements. Please watch this space for further updates

Vacancy on Parish Council

Cold Higham Parish Council




that a casual vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor for the Parish of Cold Higham following the resignation of Keith Hurford.

Rule 5(2) of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006 now applies.

The rule allows TEN ELECTORS for the ward in which the casual vacancy has arisen to request the Proper Officer to hold an election to the vacancy. * That request must be made within FOURTEEN DAYS, calculated in accordance with the rules, **of the date of this notice. The fourteen-day period ends on 9 August 2024.

What if a request to hold an election is not received during the permitted time?

Rule 5(5) of the above Rules will apply. The Parish Council must, as soon as practicable after the expiry of the fourteen-day period, co-opt a person to fill the vacancy.

The Proper Officer's address is:

Electoral Services, West Northamptonshire Council, The Guildhall. St Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE

The telephone number for further guidance is 0300 126 7000 or email: electoralservices@westnorthants.gov.uk

This notice is dated 22 July 2024

Name, Gillian Greaves, Clerk to Cold Higham Parish Council

* There is no form of word for this request, which might simply be a letter headed with such words as 'We the undersigned being electors of the [Ward of] …. Parish, call for an election to fill the vacancy arising from the [death][resignation] of *. A template entitled "Request for an Election" is available from the Parish Clerk. It is helpful if the ten signatures are accompanied by printed names and addresses.

** In calculating the notice period, day one is the day following the date of this notice; a Saturday, Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas day, Good Friday or a Bank Holiday or day appointed for public thanksgiving or mourning shall be disregarded, and the period closes at midnight on the fourteenth day after the date of this notice. Rule 5(2) of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities)(England and Wales) Rules 2006 now applies.